Saturday, May 14, 2005

Nothing else like it

If you could change anything, what would you most like to change?

(use the comment button below to answer)

This is a question I use in interviews. I have been hiring people for 25 years, and this one question gives me more insight than any other question. Go with your first answer and dont let other peoples responses sway you.

Stop, breathe... exhale... relax...
Take a moment to find your answer.

Take another deep breath, and type in your first thought.



Automatt said...

Do you mean about oneself, or about the world?

Pandabonium said...

If I could change anything, I would become more patient, or perhaps I should say tolerant of people with whom I disagree, especially those people I care most about.

Wendi Friesen said...

The question is open ended, so I cant tell you if it means you or the world. You will have to answer in your own way, with whatever you feel is the best answer for you....


Paula said...

Why do you think asking this question is useful in doing interviews?

Figgies said...

I wouldn't change a thing, ..... everything is perfect just the way that it is.....

Zannie Rose said...

right this moment I would change 'not knowing' into 'knowing how to' record/create my own audio CD'S/mp3's etc
why do I want to do this?
to create a passive income while raising consciousness
Zannie Rose

Beth Danae said...

I would reverse any physical/sexual abuse any child has ever experienced.

Or, I would change the fact that I could only change one thing, thus allowing me to change much more.